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Visiting Faculty

The Stanford Science Fellows program is pleased to offer the Stanford Science Visiting Professorship. The Stanford Science Visiting Professorship is intended to support outstanding natural science faculty from other research institutions who come to the Stanford campus on a short-term basis for collaborative research and knowledge sharing with the Stanford Science Fellows, an interdisciplinary group of more than 25 postdocs in the natural sciences. Stanford Science Visiting Professors (SSVPs) will be active in the intellectual life of the SSF program and interact with SSF postdocs, their faculty hosts, and other visitors on a regular basis.

SSVP terms are limited to four weeks. Approximately four SSVPs per academic year will be awarded.

Requirements of the Stanford Science Visiting Professorship

SSVPs are specifically expected to advance and support the Stanford Science Fellows program. At a minimum, an SSVP must actively engage with the current Stanford Science Fellows by: 

  • giving at least two seminars to current Stanford Science Fellows (SSFs) and invited guests, one on research and the other on a professional development topic of the SSVP's choosing;
  • joining SSF luncheons at the faculty club. Lunches provide a venue for conversing with other SSVPs, the Stanford Science Fellows, the Steering Committee, and others;
  • holding standing, weekly office hours for informal meetings with SSFs and other Stanford students and postdocs.

In addition, Visiting Faculty at Stanford are generally expected to: 

  • give departmental colloquia or seminars; and,
  • engage in research and collaboration with host faculty and others across Stanford and SLAC.

SSVPs are asked to submit a short final report about their experiences to the Stanford Science Fellows program within 30 days of the conclusion of their SSVP term. These reports will be used to improve the SSVP program.

SSVPs are expected to be physically present on the Stanford campus for the duration of the Stanford Science Visiting Professorship term.


An Academic Council Stanford faculty member in a participating school (faculty host) must nominate a prospective SSVP candidate. Direct applications and self-nominations will not be considered.

Non-US citizens or permanent residents must be eligible for J-1 Scholar visa status. Visitors cannot be supported on H1B or B visas. Faculty hosts of non-US citizens are required to attest to the visitor's English language proficiency prior to award.

All SSVP awards must be approved by a faculty host’s department chair. All SSVP appointments must be made in accordance with Stanford policies and procedures regarding Visiting Faculty.

Terms of Appointment

Each appointment starting date will be negotiated separately. Appointments must fall within the fall, winter, or spring quarters at Stanford. Starting dates between quarters or during the summer cannot be accommodated. A visit must run in consecutive weeks.  Individuals hold the visiting rank at Stanford that is the same (or the American equivalent) as their rank at their home institution. When considering a desired starting date, please keep in mind that an extensive lead-time is generally needed to acquire a J-1 visa.

It is anticipated that many SSVPs will be self-funded sabbatical visitors to Stanford who are planning longer visits to campus which encompass their terms as SSVPs. The terms and conditions of any longer visits are outside the scope of the SSVP program and must be negotiated among the visitor, the faculty host, and the department.  

Compensation and travel

A stipend of $10,000 for a four-week visit will be awarded to an SSVP upon completion of all program obligations.

The Stanford Science Fellows program will also pay for one round trip to and from a San Francisco regional airport for the awardee only, up to a maximum of $800 within the U.S. and $2,000 for international travel, based on advance purchase economy rates. Federal regulations require visitors on a J-1 visa to be covered by medical, evacuation, and repatriation insurances.

All SSVP absences from the Stanford campus during the award term must be coordinated with the Stanford Science Fellows office in advance and may result in corresponding deductions to the stipend payment.

Nomination process

The SSVP nomination form consists of two sections to be completed respectively by a prospective faculty host and the nominee.

Faculty host.  Stanford faculty hosts are invited to submit nominations for the Stanford Science Visiting Professorship online. In addition to basic identifying information, the form seeks the following:

  • The month (dates) of nominee’s preferred visit and at least one alternative;
  • The research proposal written by the nominee and supported by the faculty host.  Proposals to write books during the term will not be viewed competitively. Research proposals must be in 11 point or larger font and should not exceed two single-spaced 8-1/2 x 11-inch pages. 
  • A nomination letter prepared by the faculty host. The nomination letter is the faculty host's opportunity to persuade the Steering Committee of the value the nominee will bring to the Stanford Science Fellows program, the department, and campus. A nomination should be prepared from the nominator's point of view; nomination letters written by nominees will not be accepted.
  • Attestations:  1) The SSVP program requires that awardees are in residence at Stanford during their appointment term and that they actively engage in activities of the Stanford Science Fellows program. It is the Stanford faculty host’s responsibility to encourage an SSVP’s presence and interactions on campus; 2) Space and facilities for the nominee will be provided by the faculty host or department; 3) Any international nominees are proficient in English.
  • Optional:  No more than two additional letters of support written by additional faculty collaborators on campus or at SLAC. Nominee research supported across departments is strongly encouraged.

Faculty hosts may also wish to alert their department chairs of the nomination.

Nominee’s expression of interest. Nominees are asked to supply the following information on the form linked above:

  • Nominee's name, professional title, current institution, email address, and citizenship;
  • List of all visits to Stanford within the past three years;
  • Current curriculum vitae;
  • Nominee’s statement of interest which describes how the nominee intends to support and advance the Stanford Science Fellows program. The statement of interest must be in 11-point or larger font and may not exceed two single-spaced 8-1/2 x 11-inch pages; 
  • If the nominee is international, whether nominee qualifies for a J-1 visa.

Faculty hosts and nominees must each complete their respective portions of the nomination by the deadline.  Incomplete applications cannot be considered.

Selection process

Steering Committee. Completed nominations will be evaluated by the SSF Steering Committee.  Priority will be given to nominees who would contribute scientific and/or demographic diversity to the SSF program as will those with a robust history of interdisciplinary collaboration and a strong record of mentoring grad students and postdocs.

Department Chair Review. Department Chairs of Host Departments may be asked to evaluate research proposals, review shortlisted nominations submitted in their departments, and/or to rank the nominations if two or more nominations are submitted in the department. 

Department Chairs of Host Departments must support the appointment and will be asked to attest that departmental space and facilities for the nominee will be available.

Each SSVP Host Department will receive $500 per year per SSVP in unrestricted departmental administrative support. These funds may also be used for entertainment costs for the hosted SSVP or for research-related expenses.

Stanford Science Fellows program. The Stanford Science Fellows program will extend SSVP awards. Visiting faculty appointments will be processed locally through departments and may accommodate longer stays as necessary.

The 2025 deadlines for submitting completed applications are July 11 and December 5. Applications are due by 11:59pm PDT (-7GMT). Announcements of awards will occur approximately 6-8 weeks after a deadline.

Questions may be directed to stanfordsciencefellows [at] (stanfordsciencefellows[at]stanford[dot]edu).